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Membership Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for Full Membership: Full members must 1) be research faculty of NC State, ECU, or NCCU; 2) have contributed to peer reviewed EHS literature within the past three years; and 3) have extramural EHS support or be seeking extramural support (PI, Co-PI, Co-I). Early-level faculty planning to conduct EHS research are eligible to apply for Full membership if they have a track record of peer-reviewed publications. Applicants who do not meet the criteria listed above will be considered for Associate membership.

Eligibility Criteria for Associate Membership: Faculty at NC State, ECU, or NCCU, or professional status at an organization in the Research Triangle area (e.g., NC DHHS, NC DEQ) with demonstrated strong interest in EHS.

CHHE’s Expectations of Full Members: Members are expected to 1) participate in CHHE enrichment activities, seminars, mini-retreats, RIGs, symposia, and surveys, 2) contribute scientific or administrative expertise to the CHHE mission; 3) cite the Center in their research publications. Candidates will provide a CV and a letter documenting their interest in membership to the Center Director.

Membership Approval Process: Prospective CHHE members must demonstrate a commitment to CHHE goals and will be expected to participate in CHHE events. Member candidates will provide a CV or NIH Biosketch, as well as a letter documenting their interest in membership to the Center Director. The Director and IAB discuss and vote on all applications for membership within one month of submission. A simple majority vote in favor of membership is required to accept the applicant for membership. Applicants accepted for membership receive an email from the Center Director welcoming them to CHHE and indicating their membership status. Applicants receiving unfavorable votes receive an email from the Center Director with reasons for the vote. The applicant is provided an opportunity to provide a rebuttal that is then considered. A second unfavorable vote requires the member candidate to wait one year before re-applying with the expectation that during that year, they will demonstrate increased activities consistent with Center membership.

Reclassification and Reappointment: The Director and IAB annually review members’ research, funding, and Center involvement and may re-classify membership status according to annual activity. Members may request a review and adjustment of their membership status. Near the end of each three-year membership term, each Member is evaluated by the Director and IAB for renewal of membership for another three-year term. Members provide an activity report describing their participation in Center activities, use of Core Facilities, funding, and citation of the Center grant in research publications that utilize Center resources. The evaluation process is:

  1. The Director and Deputy Director will make a preliminary assessment of each member’s activities and suitability for continued membership in the Center based upon the activity report of the member;
  2. A member obviously meeting the stated expectations of membership will be reappointed; and
  3. A member who is not obviously meeting requirements for continued membership will be brought to the IAB for full consideration. A simple majority will be required for continued membership. Members receiving an unfavorable vote will be notified with reasons why and be provided an opportunity to submit a rebuttal. A second unfavorable vote by the IAB will be required to remove an individual from Center membership. If the individual’s situation changes, they can reapply for membership in the future.