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Resources for Center Members and Students

Opportunities for community engagement, skill-building, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

The CEC provides opportunities for Center members and their students to build and enhance their skill sets related to community engagement, science communication, and public outreach. Opportunities for collaboration include: 

  • Reviewing and providing feedback for public-facing presentations or materials;
  • Technical consultation on survey instruments, questionnaires and interview protocols; 
  • Translating and disseminating research results; 
  • Connecting with local educators or community organizations for a Pilot Project or other collaboration; 
  • CEC-led guest lectures on community engagement, science communication, environmental health literacy or environmental justice; 
  • Providing feedback on CHHE Community Grants;
  • Hosting local science teachers in your lab during the summer; 
  • Incorporating outreach, education or engagement into a research proposal. 

For more information on how you might work with the CEC, take a look at these slides we presented to CHHE members.

Using Appropriate Language

Using recommendations from the NIH, APA, ACS, and CDC, the Community Engagement Core has developed a one-pager on best practices for using appropriate language when discussing race, ethnicity, and nationality. These are general recommendations, and certain people or communities may prefer different terminology. Still, these recommendations can help ensure your papers, presentations, and conversations are as respectful as possible. 
View the document here.

There are lots of ways to get involved with the CEC or utilize our expertise. Reach out to Katy or Andy to learn more.