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Seminars & Workshops

These enrichment events benefit all CHHE members.

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CHHE sponsors research seminars each semester by local and national leaders in environmental health science. Many seminars are sponsored by one of CHHE’s Research Interest Groups (RIGS). CHHE also jointly sponsors seminars with other NC State departments or programs, including the; Toxicology Program, Bioinformatics Research Center and the Genetics and Genomics Academy.


Workshops benefit all Center members and are intended to provide expert knowledge and cross-training. Formative workshops have covered a variety of topics including: The NIH Biosketch, The Specific Aims page, Laser Capture Microdissecton, In Situ Hybridiztion Methods, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, CLC Genomics Workbench and NC State’s Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility.


Each year CHHE has one or two mini-retreats. These informal events are held off campus and are intended to be social events where members have time to interact with one another.  The annual State of the Center address by the CHHE Director is presented annually at the retreat.

Find Out Fridays

Find Out Fridays is a CHHE zoom event held at noon on Fridays of each month. A CHHE Leader/Navigator/Core Director/Member will provide a 10-minute overview of the capabilities/support/services of their core or topic of general interest. This will be followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A/discussion session. Members, trainees, and staff are welcome to attend.

Annual Symposium

The CHHE organizes and hosts an Annual CHHE Science Symposium. Our CHHE Annual Symposia, each with >100 attendees, feature external speakers as well as member presentations and posters focused on current EHS topics relevant to our membership. These day-long symposia focus on a topic relevant to the CHHE membership.