Coby Schal
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Gardner Hall 3107
Our lab takes an integrative approach to urban entomology, with studies ranging from molecular and cellular investigations to pest management and community-wide interventions. Our goal is to address the public health, veterinary, aesthetic, and economic needs of residential, industrial and agricultural communities by developing and disseminating information on pests of homes and other human- built structures. We focus much of our Urban Entomology research on cockroaches and bed bugs. In addition, our broad interests in chemical ecology, behavioral endocrinology, and insect physiology include studies of moths, mosquitoes, sand flies, ants, termites, and bees. In the area of chemical ecology, we are especially interested in sex pheromones that are used in mate-finding, recognition and mate choice, and aggregation pheromones that mediate group formation. In collaborative studies we are examining semiochemicals that mediate oviposition activities of Aedes mosquitoes and Phlebotomus sand flies, and the evolution of pheromone communication in moths. In this area, our lab offers instrumentation and expertise for graduate students and other researchers at NC State. The lab is interested in the medical importance of cockroaches and bed bugs. We are investigating the function of allergens in the biology of the cockroach, the effect of cockroach control on allergen concentrations in homes and schools, and the effects of bed bug-produced contaminants on human health. We are using RNA interference approaches to silence genes that produce allergens in an effort to understand the functions of these proteins in the cockroach. In collaborative studies, we are using molecular markers to understand the genetic structure of cockroach and bed bug populations in both urban and agricultural settings. Our efforts to develop innovative approaches include studies of the efficacy of various interventions, bait acceptance, and insecticide resistance in field-collected cockroaches and bed bugs. Neuroethological studies of gustation use behavioral assays and electrophysiology to understand the mechanisms that underlie sugar-aversion as a behavioral resistance mechanism in cockroaches. Using bioassays and molecular techniques we are evaluating the incidence of resistance in NC and throughout the U.S.
- Biology and integrated management of urban pests, with emphasis on cockroaches.
- Chemical ecology, especially pheromone-medicated communication in cockroaches and developing tools for monitoring pest populations.
- Biology of cockroach allergens and mitigation strategies to reduce environmental allergen concentrations.
- Cuticular hydrocarbons: Biosynthesis, hemolymph transport, role in behavioral interactions.
- Behavioral endocrinology and regulation of the cockroach corpora allata and juvenile hormone production.
- Monitoring insecticide resistance in field-collected cockroaches.
- Sexual selection and mate-finding tactics in pest and tropical cockroaches.
- Our lab also collaborates with others on:
- Evolution of pheromone communication in moths (Gould, Groot)
- Oviposition attractants in mosquitoes (Apperson)
- Population genetics of cockroaches and bed bugs (Vargo, Mukha)
- Nestmate recognition in ants (Silverman)
- Insect Behavior (ENT 520), 3 credits
- Seminar in Urban Entomology (ENT 690Y), 1 credit
- Seminar in Chemical Ecology (ENT 690X), 1 credit
Area(s) of Expertise
Urban Entomology, Insect Behavior, Chemical Ecology, Insect Physiology
- An odorant-binding protein functions in fire ant social immunity interfacing with innate immunity , Open Biology (2025)
- Deployment and transcriptional evaluation of nitisinone, an FDA-approved drug, to control bed bugs , PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (2025)
- Repellency and toxicity of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) to bed bugs , PLOS ONE (2025)
- Visual cues enhance effectiveness of pheromone-baited traps for the corn earworm moth, Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) , Journal of Economic Entomology (2025)
- Bed bugs, Cimex lectularius: Undercover agents in forensic investigations , JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (2024)
- Genetic Underpinnings of Cuticular Hydrocarbon Biosynthesis in the German Cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.): Progress and Perspectives , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY (2024)
- Glucose aversion: a behavioral resistance mechanism in the German cockroach , CURRENT OPINION IN INSECT SCIENCE (2024)
- Lethal disruption of the bacterial gut community in Eastern subterranean termite caused by boric acid , JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY (2024)
- Repellency of N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) during host-seeking behavior of bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in binary choice olfactometer assays , JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY (2024)
- Review on the impacts of indoor vector control on domiciliary pests: good intentions challenged by harsh realities , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2024)