David Buchwalter
Research in the Buchwalter lab focuses on contaminants and other abiotic stressors in freshwater environments. We focus on aquatic insects because of their ecological importance and widespread use as ecological indicators in water quality monitoring programs. Our work examines the differential susceptibilities of species based on their physiological diversity. Interests include trace metal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer, thermal stress and osmoregulation Our lab studies ecological physiology and toxicology in aquatic invertebrates. We try to link different levels of biological organization to better understand how human activities affect aquatic life..We also are studying the bioaccumulation of PFAS as part of NCSU’s Center for Environmental and Health Effects of PFAS.
- The mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer senses decreasing oxygen availability (PO2) and responds by reducing ion uptake and altering gene expression , Journal of Experimental Biology (2024)
- Physiological and life history responses in a mayfly (Callibaetis floridanus) inhabiting ponds with saltwater intrusion , FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (2023)
- Respirometry reveals major lineage-based differences in the energetics of osmoregulation in aquatic invertebrates , JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (2023)
- Salinity-induced ionoregulatory changes in the gill proteome of the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer , ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (2022)
- Assessing the P-crit in relation to temperature and the expression of hypoxia associated genes in the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer , SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (2021)
- Salinity-Induced Osmoregulatory Changes in the Gill Proteome of the Mayfly, Neocloeon Triangulifer , SSRN (2022)
- The acclimatory response of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer to dilute conditions is linked to the plasticity of sodium transport , PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (2022)
- Weak differences in sensitivity to major ions by different larval stages of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer , FRESHWATER SCIENCE (2022)
- Periphyton enhances arsenic release and methylation at the soil-water interface of paddy soils , JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (2020)
- Physiological plasticity and acclimatory responses to salinity stress are ion-specific in the mayfly, Neocloeon triangulifer , Environmental Pollution (2021)