Aaron Hipp
As Associate Director of Social and Behavioral Science Applications, Aaron identifies and facilitates new collaborations between the Center and social science researchers across NC State, and advances geospatial community engagement with an equity lens. His work considers how, where and why public built environments impact health behaviors such as physical activity and recreation. He develops crowdsourcing approaches and uses emerging sensor technologies to study and visualize the interaction between built environments and community health behaviors. He is currently using webcams, web apps, GPS, and accelerometers in data collection. Other interests include infrastructure that supports workplace health, park use and accessibility, and geospatial decision support systems.
- Adult Sports Participation and Physical Activity: How About Curling? , Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living (2024)
- Adult sport participation and physical activity: What about curling? , Active Living Conference (2024)
- Advancing PA Action Plans in 10 Rural NC Counties: Perceptions of Key Stakeholders , American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (2024)
- Assessing the impact of community collaboration: A two-year study on staff wellbeing in an intervention school with YMCA partnership amid the COVID-19 pandemic , Active Living Conference (2024)
- Birdwatching linked to increased psychological well-being on college campuses: A pilot-scale experimental study , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (2024)
- Child’s Play: What can we learn from AI-based clustering algorithms? , International Society of Physical Activity and Health Congress (2024)
- Contact with nature, nature prescriptions, and loneliness: Evidence from an international survey of adults in Australia, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States , HEALTH & PLACE (2024)
- Defining Data , (2024)
- Determining Your Capacity for Evaluation , (2024)
- Economic equity evaluation of the 2023 Year Of The Trail campaign in North Carolina , Active Living Conference (2024)