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2016 Pilot Project Announcement – Request for Applications

The NC State University Center for Human Heath and the Environment (CHHE) is announcing its request for applications (RFA) for pilot project proposals for 2016. Applications will be due on March 10th, 2016.

The CHHE anticipates proposals from across the NCSU campus, ECU Brody School of Medicine, and NC Central University. The CHHE aims to enhance and integrate basic and translational research from molecules to cells to animal models to human populations using cutting-edge technologies and computational approaches to understand the impacts of environmental exposures/factors on human health.

Please click on the link below for instructions on how to apply for pilot project funds.

CHHE Pilot Project Instructions 2016

The overarching mission of the PPP is to provide pilot funding to Center members and other NC State, East Carolina University (ECU), North Carolina Central University, and NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) investigators to collect preliminary data that will support applications for external funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and other agencies supporting environmental health sciences (EHS) research. Important goals of the PPP are to foster the success of early stage investigators in EHS and to increase individual, collaborative, and multidisciplinary efforts to enhance and integrate research from molecular/cellular-based systems and model organisms to human population levels to address the fundamental mechanisms through which environmental exposures interface with the genome and epigenome to influence human disease. Thus, the PPP will provide funding for individual, collaborative and multidisciplinary research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease. Multidisciplinary collaborations and use of CHHE’s core facilities are encouraged but not required.

Please send applications and direct questions to:

James Bonner, PhD
Director, Pilot Project Program
Center for Human Health and the Environment
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC


Tel.: 919-515-8615