2020 CHHE Outstanding Member Award

Please join me in congratulating Drs. Michael Bereman and Mike Cowley for being selected to receive the 2020 Center for Human Health and Environment Outstanding Member Award. This award is given in recognition of their outstanding contributions to environmental health science and the Center.
Dr. Bereman’s work is focused on underlying mechanisms of etiology of ALS and the development of innovative and quantitative analytical methodologies. He has been a leader of the proteomics initiative within the CHHE since his arrival in 2013 and this has grown under his leadership to a more advanced Systems Technologies Core and partnership with METRIC.
Dr. Cowley’s work is aimed at understanding how the developmental environment can program susceptibility to metabolic disease later in life through modulating imprinted gene activity early in life. He has advanced the stature of the Center through his research and through his role as Co-leader of CHHE’s Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Research Interest Group and participation in the High School Teacher’s Summer Program and community engagement .
Their names will be engraved on the CHHE Outstanding Member Plaque located in the CHHE suite. Under normal circumstances these awards would be announced face-to-face at our CHHE min-retreat, however, we have no idea when this would be possible! Congrats to Michael and Mike!
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