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2nd Annual CHHE Symposium: Epigenetics, Environment and Human Health

The CHHE Second Annual Science Symposium will explore the importance of epigenetics in linking environmental exposures to human health and disease, covering the spectrum from fundamental biological mechanisms to novel therapeutic approaches. The Symposium will feature guest speakers at the forefront of the field, and will showcase the breadth of epigenetics research within CHHE.

Outstanding guest speakers: Moshe Szyf (McGill University): DNA methylation mediating the impact of experience and exposure Ben Philpot (UNC Chapel Hill): Gene awakening for the treatment of Angelman Syndrome

Randy Jirtle, a pioneer in the field of environmental epigenetics, will provide the opening address. The program will also showcase the diversity of current epigenetic research within CHHE, with talks from David Aylor (gene-environment interactions), Mike Cowley (developmental programming), Albert Keung (epigenome editing), Emilie Rissman (transgenerational inheritance) and David Skaar (human imprintome). Katy May will present a session on science communication.  

The event is open to anyone who would like to attend. Everyone is invited to present a poster on any aspect of their current research (an epigenetics theme is not necessary).

When: Thursday, February 8, 2018Where: NC State University Club, 4200 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC

Please register as soon as possible. Spaces are filling up quickly.    

To register, please visit Space is limited to the first 100 registrants!   We look forward to seeing you!