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CHHE funds 5 Pilot Projects for 2012

Project 1
Title: Proteomic analyses of oxygenase expression in trichloroethylene
(TCE) –degrading Mycobacteria
PI: Michael Hyman, Professor, Department of Microbiology, CALS, NC State University

Project 2
Title: Investigation of Potential Neurotoxicological Impacts Associated with Chronic Ingestion of Manganese in North Carolina Ground Water
PI: Ricky L. Langley, MD, MPH, Adjunct Professor, Dept. EM Toxicology, NC Division of Public Health, DHHS
Co-PI: Sandra L. Mort, MS, NC Division of Public Health, DHHS, PHD student, Dept. of Biology, NCSU
Co-PI(s): Mina Shehee, PhD, CHES, DHHS, Epidemiology Section
Tanya Barros, MPH, CHES, DHHS, Epidemiology Section
Mercedes Hernandez-Pelletier, MPH, CHES, DHHS, Epidemiology Section

Project 3
Title:  Exposure to environmental toxicants, a mechanism of hypermutability of cardiomyopathy – linked genes
PI: Kathryn M. Meurs, DVM, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Clinical Sciences, CVM
Co PI: Jeffrey A. Yoder, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept of Molecular Biosciences,

Co PI:  Mac Law, DVM, PhD, Professor, Dept of Population Health and Pathobiology, CVM

Project 4
Title:  Redefining The Network of Transcriptional Responses to Environmental Genotoxins
PI:       Michael Sikes, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology, CALS

Project 5
Title: Linking Free Radical Chemistry and Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials
PI: Tatyana I. Smirnova, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, PAMS
Co-PI: Alex I Smirnova, PhD, Professor, Dept of Chemistry, PAMS