CHHE Held its First Annual Science Symposium

CHHE held its first annual science symposium on February 16th, 2017 at the James B. Hunt Library. The event, “Toxic Metals – From Exposures and Model Systems to Human Populations,” was designed to bring center members and colleagues together for one day to highlight CHHE research on a given scientific theme. More than 100 investigators, postdocs, graduate students and community members attended to participate in scientific talks, present at poster sessions and socialize with colleagues.
NIEHS Director Dr. Linda Birnbaum kicked off the event with a talk highlighting the importance of toxic metal exposure science and recent NIEHS-funded discoveries in the field. Lorisa Seibel, Director of Housing Programs for Reinvestment partners in Durham, NC, gave a talk on the prevention of lead exposure in Durham’s communities. CHHE’s Community Outreach and Engagement Core works closely with community groups in Durham to address and reduce toxic metal exposure, making Lorisa’s talk especially relevant. Dr. Michael Waalkes, former Chief of the NCI/NIEHS’s Inorganic Carcinogenesis Section and a pioneer in the field of metal toxicology and carcinogenesis, delivered the keynote address highlighting his seminal discoveries in metals and carcinogenesis over his 33-year career in public service.
The remainder of the day was filled with presentations by CHHE members highlighting their research expertise and scientific discovery in the area of toxic metals involving ecotoxicology, environmental remediation, exposure science, susceptibility, model systems, genetics and epidemiology. CHHE members and their postdocs and graduate students shared their science during two poster sessions.
See NIEHS article on CHHE symposium.
Special thanks to the Event Committee who did a fantastic job organizing the meeting.

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