CHHE Support and Services – “Find Out Fridays” Schedule and Recordings

“Find Out Fridays” is a CHHE weekly Zoom event at noon each Friday (starting 10/7/20) for the next ~3 months. The purpose of these sessions are to provide CHHE members and their groups with an overview of each of the CHHE services and provide time for questions/discussion.Each Friday at noon, a CHHE Leader/Navigator/Core Director will provide a 10 minute overview of the capabilities/support/services of their core/core section. This will be followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A/discussion session. Please invite your graduate students, postdocs and technicians. You and your group are invited to attend all sessions or just those sessions of interest; bring your questions!
We have also sprinkled in three Friday noon Zoom 1 hour seminars; two sponsored by CHHE RIGS and the other being the kick off presentation for the CHHE’s 5th Annual Symposium entitled “Celebrating the CHHE”. This symposium is unconventional as individual speakers will be spread out over the Spring Semester and CHHE Symposium will sponsor 4-6 speaker events (both internal and external speakers). The first Symposium Speaker on Jan 15 will be Dr. Rick Woychik, the new Director of NIEHS/NTP and Chancellor Randy Woodson will provide opening remarks. Please join us for all sessions and seminars at:
Oct 9 Overview of the Systems Technology Core (STC) and Accessing the STC Portal (Muddiman)
Oct 16 Proteomics (Islam Williams and Bereman)
Oct 23 Metabolomics and Small Molecules (Baker)
Oct 30 Metallomics (Harrington)
Nov 6 Genomics (Baltzegar)
Nov 13 Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core (IHSFC) Environmental Data Science Group (Reif, Jima and Scholl)
Nov 20 Comparative Pathology Core (Linder)
Dec 4 Seminar Sponsored by CHHE’s Behavior and Neuroscience RIG Linda Wilbretcht UC Berkeley The Role of Age and Experience in Learning and Decision Making.
Dec 11 Community Engagement Core (Binder and May)
Dec 18 IHSFC Human Study Support (Hoyo and Hoppin) IHSFC Translational Partnerships (Collier and Langley)
Jan 8 Pilot Project Program (Bonner)
Jan 15 CHHE 5th Annual Symposium Speaker Rick Woychik new Director NIEHS/NTP w/opening remarks by Chancellor Woodson
Feb 5 Seminar Co-sponsored by Behavior and Neuroscience RIG and Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics RIG: Eric Nestler, Mount Sinai: “Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Drug Addiction”
Feb 19 Overview of the CHHE Career Development (Nascone-Yoder)
Feb 26 CHHE 5th Annual Symposium: Part 2: Community Engagement During COVID-19
April 16 CHHE 5th Annual Symposium: Part 3: Celebrating Success in Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics
May 14 CHHE 5th Annual Symposium: Part 4: GenX – Research to Respond to Community Needs
May 21 NIH’s Rigor & Reproducibility Requirement – Jamie Bonner and Nanette Nascone-Yoder
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