Dr. Tara Nash recently hired as CHHE proteomics expert

Dr. Tara Nash is a recently hired CHHE proteomics expert in the CHHE Proteomics Section. She completed her PhD in Biochemistry from NC State in 2010 and as a post-doc researched protein kinase interacting networks in plants. Tara has extensive molecular biochemistry experience with a focus on protein purification and proteomics sample preparation and analysis. She is available to provide proteomics guidance on the design of experiments, sample collection, protein extraction, protocol development and data interpretation. Tara will use state of the at LC MS/MS techniques to conduct both discovery and targeted proteomics experiments for CHHE members. Tara’s office (Rm 2202D) is located in the Toxicology Building on Centennial Campus and her email is tara_nash@ncsu.edu. She will work with Dr. Michael Bereman, the Leader of the CHHE Proteomic section to be provide CHHE members with expert proteomics consultation, collaboration and service.
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