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External Advisory Board Review

The CHHE external advisory board will be on campus Jan 30 and 31 to provide an in depth review of the renewal and the organization of the CHHE. Presentations by our Center leads will be made in an open session. Please help us fill the room and meet our EAB members.

Tox Seminar Series: Dr. Beatriz Zayas

"Molecular Toxicology and its Multiple Faces at the ChEMTox Lab" Dr. Beatriz Zayas UAGM Cupay, Puerto Rico Toxicology Auditorium rm 2104 *Co-sponsored by CHHE

External Advisory Board Review

The CHHE external advisory board will be on campus Jan 30 and 31 to provide an in depth review of the renewal and the organization of the CHHE. Presentations by our Center leads will be made in an open session. Please help us fill the room and meet our EAB members.

Behavior and Neuroscience RIG monthly meeting

Natalia Duque-Wilkins will be presenting her lab's latest data examining the potential role of mast cells in linking perinatal exposure to flame retardants and the increased susceptibility to develop physical and psychological disorders later in life. This will be a virtual meeting only as she will be joining from the south of Chile. Zoom link:

8th. Annual CHHE Symposium

The 8th Annual Research Symposium will be held on February 20, 2024 featuring invited speakers and CHHE member presentations on the topic of Perinatal Environmental Exposures and Later Life Disease: Biological Targets and Mechanisms. The symposium is open to anyone who would like to attend. CHHE members, their collaborators, graduate students and postdocs are encouraged…

Tox Seminar Series: Dr. Jesse Goodrich

"Emerging Carcinogens: Using Multiomics to Interrogate the Role of PFAS in Liver Cancer Development" Dr. Jesse Goodrich University of Southern California *Co-sponsored by CHHE

Dr. James Bonner’s Seminar

Dr. James Bonner's seminar, "Nanoparticle Modulation of the Pulmonary Immune Responses to Inhaled Allergens: Implications for the Exacerbation of Asthma". Zoom: Meeting ID: 870 1995 6085 Passcode: 435631

Digital PCR Fundamentals & Applications on the ABI Absolute Q

Please join us for a seminar on digital PCR & the new ABI QuantStudio Absolute Q dPCR System Presenter: Chris Monjure, dPCR Technical Sales Specialist This seminar will cover: - Basics and advantages of digital PCR - Digital PCR applications overview - Benefits of digital PCR for detecting rare variants and quantitative experiments - Absolute…

Brain Awareness Night 2024

6:00 - Meet local neuroscientists and interact with hands-on exhibits 7:00 - Science Café with Dr. Natasha Olby: Old Dogs Teaching Us New Tricks: neurodegenerative disorders in canines and what they can teach us about aging

32nd Annual Meeting of the Triangle Consortium for Reproductive Biology

Oral and Poster presentations on all aspects of Reproductive Sciences (Basic, Translational, Clinical) McKimmon Conference & Training Center North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Refreshments and lunch included Keynote: 2nd Annual Dr. Phyllis Leppert Lecture in Reproductive Biology Indrani Bagchi, PhD, Billie Field Professor of Reproductive Biology, Department of Comparative Biosciences, University of Illinois Urbana-…