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Toxicology Seminar Series: Geoff Gisler

GEOFF GISLER^# Southern Environmental Law Center Senior Attorney & Leader of SELC’s Clean Water Program ^ Co-Sponsored by the Center for Human Health and the Environment # Co-Sponsored by Superfund Program: Center for Environmental and Health Effects of PFAS Fall 2022 | Tuesdays @ 4:00pm | Toxicology Auditorium, Tox 2104 | via Zoom, please register or use…

Behavior & Neuroscience RIG Meeting: Javier Lopez Soto

Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, NCSU School of Veterinary Medicine In-person meeting in TOX room 2104 at noon.  Feel free to bring a lunch. Also on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting

Toxicology Seminar Series: Dr. Rachel Roper

DR. RACHEL ROPER^ East Carolina University Professor, Microbiology & Immunology Fall 2022 | Tuesdays @ 4:00pm | Toxicology Auditorium, Tox 2104 | via Zoom, please register or use ^ Co-Sponsored by the Center for Human Health and the Environment  

Toxicology Seminar Series: Dr. B. Paige Lawrence

DR. B. PAIGE LAWRENCE^ University of Rochester Medical Center Professor, Environmental Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology Fall 2022 | Tuesdays @ 4:00pm | Toxicology Auditorium, Tox 2104 | via Zoom, please register or use ^ Co-Sponsored by the Center for Human Health and the Environment

Find out Friday: Liam O’fallon

“Research to Action: Advancing Authentic Community Engaged Research” Zoom:  

Toxicology Seminar Series: Dr. Fred Wright

DR. FRED WRIGHT North Carolina State University Director of Bioinformatics Research Center Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor Fall 2022 | Tuesdays @ 4:00pm | Toxicology Auditorium, Tox 2104 | via Zoom, please register or use  

Behavior & Neuroscience RIG Meeting: Ed Levin

Sex differences in rat behavioral consequences of developmental neurotoxicity” In-person meeting in TOX room 2104 at noon.  Feel free to bring a lunch. Also on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting

Seminar: John P. Wise Sr.

Of Whales and Men, Insights into Chromosome Instability & Disease Spanning from Molecules to Populations John Pierce Wise Sr., Ph.D. Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Distinguished University Scholar Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Louisville School of Medicine Plant Sciences Building Seminar Rooms 1322A and B 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM In-Person with Zoom…

Seminar: Suzanne E. Fenton

Environmental Contaminants Impacting Infant Exposures and Latent Health Outcomes Suzanne E. Fenton, PhD Lead, Reproductive Endocrinology Group Mechanistic Toxicology Branch Division of Translational Toxicology NIEHS/NIH Plant Sciences Building Seminar Rooms 1322A and B 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM In-Person with Zoom option Zoom Link

Center Synergies Series, HERCULES at Emory & CHHE: Mike Cowley

Center Synergies Environmental Epigenetics and Exposomics Join us for CHHE’s inaugural seminar in the Center Synergies Series, which aims to highlight current research and promote future collaborations across NIEHS P30 Centers. Friday, January 20th, 12:00-1:00 pm Stephens Rooms, 3503 Thomas Hall or Register for Zoom Pizza provided! "Zac1 and the Imprinted Gene Network Connect the Developmental Environment to…