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Seminar: Suzanne E. Fenton

Environmental Contaminants Impacting Infant Exposures and Latent Health Outcomes Suzanne E. Fenton, PhD Lead, Reproductive Endocrinology Group Mechanistic Toxicology Branch Division of Translational Toxicology NIEHS/NIH Plant Sciences Building Seminar Rooms 1322A and B 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM In-Person with Zoom option Zoom Link

Center Synergies Series, HERCULES at Emory & CHHE: Mike Cowley

Center Synergies Environmental Epigenetics and Exposomics Join us for CHHE’s inaugural seminar in the Center Synergies Series, which aims to highlight current research and promote future collaborations across NIEHS P30 Centers. Friday, January 20th, 12:00-1:00 pm Stephens Rooms, 3503 Thomas Hall or Register for Zoom Pizza provided! "Zac1 and the Imprinted Gene Network Connect the Developmental Environment to…

Toxicology Seminar Series: Sean Ekins

Adventures in Toxicology: Drug Discovery, Machine Learning, Entrepreneurship and Netflix Sean Ekins, Collaborations Pharma, Inc. Toxicology Auditorium, rm 2104 *Toxicology Graduate Student Association (TGSA) Career Exposures  

Seminar: Jane Hoppin

Investigating PFAS Exposure and Health Effects in the Cape Fear River Basin: The GenX Exposure Study Jane Hoppin, Ph.D. Interim Director, Center for Human Health and the Environment Professor, Department of Biological Sciences University Faculty Scholar NC State University Plant Sciences Building Seminar Rooms 1322A and B In-Person with Zoom option Zoom Link

Toxicology Seminar Series: Tracie Baker

Adverse health effects and induction of transgenerational inheritance of disease due to environmental contaminants using the zebrafish model Tracie Baker, University of Florida Location TBD Supported by CHHE Environmental Epigenetics Research (EEG) Interest Group    

7th. Annual CHHE Symposium: Sex Differences in Response to Environmental Exposures

The 7th. Annual Symposium will feature research presentations by guest speakers and CHHE members in the area of Sex Differences in Response to Environmental Exposure. The symposium is open to anyone who would like to attend. CHHE members, their collaborators, graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to attend and present a poster on any aspect…

Behavior and Neuroscience Group Monthly Meeting

Two trainees from Kurt Marsden's lab will be presenting about their work. Melody Hancock (Bioinformatics PhD student): "Molecular pathways of CHD7 pathogenicity in a zebrafish CHARGE syndrome model using transcriptomic and proteomic analysis" Sureni Sumathipala (Postdoctoral scholar): "Investigation of seizure susceptibility in Cyfip2-deficient zebrafish" This is a great opportunity for trainees (and their mentors!) to receive…

CHHE Pulmonary Research Interest Group Mini-Symposium 2023

Keynote: Nicole C. Kleinstreuer, Ph.D. Title: “New Approach Methodologies in Inhalation Toxicology” Student Talks: Mr. Jeffrey Shipman Sivaraman Lab, NCCU Mr. Will Murray Sousan Lab, ECU Mr. Logan Tisch Bonner Lab, NCSU Students and post-docs are encouraged to present their current research, to look for potential synergy and collaboration that can emerge. Refreshments will be…

Spring Mini-retreat

Please join us for our Spring Mini-retreat at the Transfer Co. Food Hall on May 24 from 3-6 pm. We will be celebrating the successes of CHHE members (including someone who just got an incredible score on his R01 - find out May 24), discussing plans for next year, and learning more about what's up…

Toxicology/CHHE Seminar: Traci Hall

Traci Hall NIEHS, "Protein partnerships in RNA recognition" Toxicology 2104 4:00pm *Co-sponsored by Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Group