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Pilot Project Letter of Intent Deadline

NC State/NIEHS Center for Human Health and the Environment is soliciting applications for pilot project proposals for this fall. Applicants must submit a brief letter of intent along with a…

CHHE Behavior and Neuroscience RIG Meeting

Melody Hancock, Zebrafish Model of CHARGE Syndrome Bioinformatics (PhD Candidate) Followed by discussion on cyanotoxin exposures and neurodegeneration

Pilot Project Application Deadline

NC State/NIEHS Center for Human Health and the Environment is soliciting applications for pilot project proposals for this fall. Applicants must submit a brief letter of intent along with a…

HIVE Mini-proposal Submission Deadline

Free Single Cell RNAseq Project Contest The NC State Genetics and Genomics Academy and the Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE) have partnered with the GSL and the…

Jennifer Alexander-Brett Seminar

"Mechanistic Insights into Human Chronic Airway Disease" NC Central University *Sponsored by Climate Change and Airborne Contaminants RIG Zoom:

Community Grant Program Applications Due

The CEC is now accepting applications for its 8th annual Community Grant program, which helps nonprofits and educators across the state address environmental health issues in their communities. Funding must…

Hari Easwaran Seminar

Johns Hopkins University *Co-sponsored by Genes, Environment and Precision Health RIG Zoom:

Behavior and Neuroscience RIG Meeting

John Meitzen's Lab Impacts of the Flame Retardant FM 550 on Female and Male Prairie Vole Behavior and Neuron Function: a work in progress update Zoom: