Genes, Environment and Precision Health RIG Discussion
Toxicology Building Auditorium rm 2104Pizza will be provided.
Pizza will be provided.
John Meitzen's Lab Impacts of the Flame Retardant FM 550 on Female and Male Prairie Vole Behavior and Neuron Function: a work in progress update Zoom:
Transfer Co. Food Hall
"Restoration of Cortico-accumbar E/I Balance via a Two-dose MDMA Regimen Induces a Long-lasting Rescue of Social Deficits in a Mouse Model for ASD" Stephens Room (3503 Thomas Hall) Dr. Jessica…
"Toxicoepigenetics and the Use of piRNA for Precision Environmental Health Research" Toxicology Auditorium 2104 *Co-sponsored by Genes, Environment and Precision Health RIG
"Brain Delivered Synthetic Transcription Factors Illuminate a Role for Transposable Elements and Immune Response in Drug-use and SociaBehaviors" Toxicology Auditorium 2104 Co-sponsored by Behavior & Neuroscience RIG
"Environmental Exposures and Carcinogenesis Risk: From Mechanisms to Population Science"
Hunt Library