Jun 27, 2016
What is your general field of study? I received my PhD in comparative biochemistry in 1959, and went on to do a post-doc that ultimately turned my interests to toxicology. …
Jun 24, 2016
What is your general field of study and how did you get here?I studied Environmental Science in college, focusing on ecology and evolutionary biology. I had an internship with the…
Apr 14, 2016
What is your general field of study and how did you get here?Toxicology and science education. While working on my Master’s degree I was doing bench (in the lab) research, when…
Oct 23, 2016
So what is all the buzz about the human microbiome? In its simplest form, the microbiome is the community of microorganisms (called microbiota) that share our body space, including: bacteria,…
May 7, 2018
Melissa Marshall gave the keynote talk at this year’s ORIED Research Retreat on April 11 in Raleigh. Melissa is a faculty member in Penn State’s Department of Communication Arts &…
What is your general field of study and how did you get here?Measurement science. I got into this field during an internship in college where I learned how to use…
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can cause long-lasting damage to our bodies, like aging and skin cancer, but is it an equal-opportunity damager? How can we promote cell repair after UVR damage occurs?…
Apr 2, 2016
What is your general field of study and how did you get here?I am an environmental epidemiologist interested in how chemicals in the environment affect our health.As a college student…
Feb 15, 2016
When it comes to chemical agents, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know I said previously that ‘dose makes the poison’, and that is still true,…
Feb 1, 2016
Timing can be critical in how the environment affects your health. For example, women who find out they are pregnant generally try to make better life choices for their developing…