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Toxicology/CHHE Seminar: Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta

Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta University of Arizona,"Participatory Research and Design for Environmental Health and Action" Toxicology 2104 4:00pm *Co-sponsored by Environmental Justice Group

Pilot Project application deadline

Applications for the Fall 2023 PPP are due at 5 pm EDT on September 15, 2023. Grant information must be submitted via PINS for NC State investigators and comparable proposal…

Robert Musil Seminar

Robert Musil President and CEO of the Rachel Carson Council "Rachel Carson's Legacy in North Carolina: Science Communication and Environmental Justice Advocacy" Plant Sciences Building, Seminar rooms ABC Centennial Campus

State of the Center Social

Transfer Co. Food Hall Join us to connect with members new and old, meet the new RIG leads and learn about all the new Center updates including the external advisory…